Whether you’re running a business or building a personal brand, knowing your “why” is key to keeping the fire alive and motivating you (and your colleagues) to succeed. Although similar, your mission statement is a condensed explanation of why you do what you do, as well as summarising your driving force behind your business.
Often when we first start out in business our goal can sometimes be that we want to make more money, or maybe it is so that we don’t have to conform to traditional working hours. Either way these are great but deep down this is why you want or need to do this particular thing. So in the initial stage of our business it’s fine that we want to do these things, but you need to work on your why. Failure to do so will result in one thing… You’ll end up chasing the money or the next client constantly and eventually this could lead to a resentment towards your industry.
Putting your why into words is crucial to building a stronger bond. How do you do that? Ask yourself these three questions and we can figure out; “Why do you want to make that money?” and, “What are you going to do with that money?” When you find that emotional connection to serving your audience, followers or even in a clubhouse, listen and ask questions, and grow. In addition to bringing money, you will also deepen your relationship and find purpose. Instead of feeling resentful and overwhelmed.
The Three Q’s
1. What is the bigger thing for you? Who do you want to help? What do they like to do? Where do they like to hang out (sounding familiar?) and most importantly… What is their main issue that you can help them with!
2. When you are making the money you deserve where are you going to spend that money?
But, also think about where you are going to give that money too? How are you going to serve people with that money you make?
An example; (if you think back to what I said earlier about getting resentment) instead try to think about what brings you joy about making this money think about how you can bring others joy too. It could be working with women who have struggled within domestic abuse, helping them gain a sense of them as an individual, helping them find their big mission in life, helping them take the pain and hardships they’ve experience and turn it into profits. That is something that will get you out of bed in the morning.
3. Sit down and write out two short stories: How do you want your life to pan out? Remember keep it short!
- Write one for 5 years and one for 10 years from now. Think about; Where do you live, Where does your family live (maybe your children have their own homes)? What kind of things do you do? What do you see when you get up in the morning? How are your emotions? Do you feel peaceful and content with your life? What is currently bringing you joys in those moments?
- Be realistic in your aspirational goals
Once you do this you mentality of it will change, I don’t want to sound woo woo but when we manifest it can absolutely change your world. We manifest all the time down to the food we want to eat, so why can’t you do it for your financial life and business goals?
Without that drive it’s very hard for you to put your why into action. You need have something that can spur that why you created in the first two questions.
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